Turnabout Intruder

(by Collin R. Skocik) Three years ago, Star Trek began not with a bombastic, epic premiere, but with a quiet, intellectual space mystery. Now, seventy-nine episodes later, the voyages of the starship Enterprise come to a premature end, with no hype, merely a final episode aired inauspiciously in the middle of a series of reruns. … Continue reading Turnabout Intruder

All Our Yesterdays

(by Collin R. Skocik) The star Beta Niobe is about to supernova. The Enterprise travels to Beta Niobe’s only planet, Sarpeidon, once the home of a thriving civilization and now mysteriously, devoid of intelligent life. Kirk, Spock, and McCoy find only one person on the planet, alone in a library—Mr. Atoz (what a perfect name … Continue reading All Our Yesterdays

Let That Be Your Last Battlefield

(by Collin R. Skocik) I can just hear the Star Trek creative team. “We’re going off the air anyway—let’s go for the jugular!” The sheer courage and audacity of this episode still resonates fifty years later. First-generation Star Trek fans have told me they watched this episode in open-mouthed astonishment when it first aired. They … Continue reading Let That Be Your Last Battlefield