Operation – Annihilate!

(by Collin R. Skocik) Season finale time! Attention TV networks: do you notice anything different about this episode from season finales today? Give up? Okay, I’ll clue you in. NO CLIFFHANGER! That’s right, here’s a season finale that has an ending! And Star Trek went on to become the biggest science fiction franchise of all … Continue reading Operation – Annihilate!

The City on the Edge of Forever

(by Collin R. Skocik) Almost universally considered Star Trek’s best episode—not just of the original series, but all the many Star Trek series—“The City on the Edge of Forever” was penned by science fiction legend Harlan Ellison. When Dr. McCoy accidentally injects himself with a heavy dosage of powerful cordrazine, he flees the ship in … Continue reading The City on the Edge of Forever

The Return of the Archons

(by Collin R. Skocik, adapted for this article) Gene Roddenberry thought of Star Trek as Gulliver’s Travels in space. The alien worlds visited by the starship Enterpriseare not really scientific portrayal of the nature of extraterrestrial life or the conditions on extrasolar planets (although the show tried to be scientifically accurate), but rather allegories for … Continue reading The Return of the Archons