Pearls of Wisdom

(author unknown) Don’t call someone more than twice continuously. If they don’t pick up your call, presume they have something important to attend to. Return money that you have borrowed even before the person that you borrowed it from remembers or asks for it. It shows your integrity and character. Same goes with umbrellas, pens … Continue reading Pearls of Wisdom

Grandchildren and Grandparents

(author unknown) 1. I was in the bathroom, putting on my makeup, under the watchful eyes of my young granddaughter, as I'd done many times before. After I applied my lipstick and started to leave, the little one said, "But Grandma, you forgot to kiss the toilet paper good-bye!" I will probably never put lipstick … Continue reading Grandchildren and Grandparents

The Train

(by Marie Shizuka) At birth we board the train and meet our parents, and we believe they will always travel by our side. As time goes by, other people will board the train, and they will be significant, i.e. our siblings, friends, children, and even the love of your life. However, at some station our … Continue reading The Train