A Letter to My Grandfather

(author unknown, published as a letter to the editor) Dear Grandpa: You have been such an important part of my childhood. From my earliest days, the lessons you taught me have served as my guide to a good and proper life. When I denied taking cookies from the cookie jar, you taught me why it … Continue reading A Letter to My Grandfather

Christian Nationalism is a Temptation

(by Benjamin Cremer) Christian nationalism is a temptation. It tempts us to place the important elements of our country on the same level as the sacred elements of our faith. It tempts us to equate the American narrative with the narrative of ancient Israel we read about in our scriptures. It tempts us to equate … Continue reading Christian Nationalism is a Temptation

Top Ten Signs You Might Be Putting Your Political Views Above Your Relationship With Jesus Christ

(author unknown) 10. If you feel more comfortable explaining your love for a political candidate/party than you do your love for Christ and the Gospel, you might be putting your political views above your relationship with Jesus Christ. 9. If your prayer life is not for His Kingdom to come, but for your political party … Continue reading Top Ten Signs You Might Be Putting Your Political Views Above Your Relationship With Jesus Christ