The Three-Legged Chicken

(author unknown)

A man was driving down a rural country road one afternoon, going about 40mph, when he noticed a chicken running along the road, keeping pace with his car.

“Hmm, that’s weird,” he thought to himself. “I wonder what would happen if I sped up?”

Pressing the accelerator, he increased the speed to 50mph. The chicken also increased its speed, keeping pace.

“Whoa! That’s crazy,” the man thought to himself. So he sped up to 60mph and still the chicken remained in pace with his car.

Suddenly, the chicken put on a tremendous burst of speed, shot out in front, cut across the road in front of the car, and sped up into a farmyard.

The driver immediately slammed on his brakes and squealed to a stop, stunned. It appeared to him that the chicken had three legs.

Finding a driveway that led to a farmhouse, he pulled in. At the house, he stopped, got out, and knocked on the front door.

A grizzled, old farmer answered the door.

The man said, “I’m terribly sorry to bother you, but I just had the strangest thing happen to me! A chicken ran past me on the road out there, and I could have sworn that chicken had three legs!”

“Oh yeah,” replied the farmer. “We have a bunch of them like that running around here. You see, my wife and I have several grandkids, and when they all come over for dinner, each one of them always asks for a drumstick, and there is never enough to go around. So, what I did was, I sent some fertilized chicken eggs up to one of those big fancy labs in New York. They genetically modified them, sent them back, and we hatched out a bunch of three-legged chickens, so there’d be enough drumsticks to go around!”

“That’s amazing,” replied the traveler. “So, tell me, does it affect the taste of the chicken?”

“I don’t know,” answered the farmer. “We haven’t been able to catch ’em yet!”

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