The Interruption

(by Jared Byas)

When I was a pastor, I had an experience with a woman once that has forever changed my life.

There were two buildings at the church: my office was in one and our weekly pastor’s meeting was in the other. One day, I was literally running to a meeting from one building to the other because I was late. On the way, I ran past a woman whose son had been struggling with depression. As I got to the door, I turned around and jogged back to her.

“How’s your son?” I asked, a little out of breath. We chatted for about five minutes and then I went ahead to my meeting.

A week later I got an email from her. I don’t have it now but I wish I would’ve kept it because it was a sermon. And to this day, it still preaches to me. I’ll summarize.

“I know you were busy last week but it meant the world to me that you stopped on your way somewhere else to ask about me. As I thought about it, it occurred to me that most of Jesus’ ministry was ‘on the way’ somewhere else. He was willing to be interrupted, and that’s where his interactions happened. In the interruptions. Thanks for being interrupted. Thanks for being like Jesus.”

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