Because it is Finished

(by Tullian Tchividjian)

BECAUSE IT IS FINISHED…You are free from the impossible burden of having to earn God’s love and acceptance

BECAUSE IT IS FINISHED…There is nothing you can ever do or fail to do that will tempt God to leave you, forsake you, or stop loving you.

BECAUSE IT IS FINISHED…You cannot sin beyond the coverage of God’s forgiveness.

BECAUSE IT IS FINISHED…The sins you can’t forget, God doesn’t remember.

BECAUSE IT IS FINISHED…You are NOT defined by your worst moments or your greatest accomplishments; your struggles or your successes; your strengths or your weaknesses. You ARE defined by who you belong to.

BECAUSE IT IS FINISHED…You can talk truthfully about the worst parts of you without being afraid of others’ disapproval because the only approval that ultimately matters is God’s and you already have it.

BECAUSE IT IS FINISHED…You can endure rejection from others because you will never have to endure rejection from God.

BECAUSE IT IS FINISHED…You can freely admit when you are wrong because your value is not dependent on being right, but rather on the rightness of Jesus that covers you.

BECAUSE IT IS FINISHED…God loves you unconditionally and that means you are free from needing everybody else to like you.

BECAUSE IT IS FINISHED…You can love others without needing them to love you back because all of the love you need, you already have.

BECAUSE IT IS FINISHED… Who you ultimately are has nothing to do with you. Your identity is firmly anchored in Jesus’ performance, not yours; his record, not yours. You are not what you do (or don’t do). You are what Jesus has done for you.

BECAUSE IT IS FINISHED…We can join our voices with the song of heaven in Revelation 5 and say, “We are not worthy, but the lamb who was slain is worthy, and by the grace of his saving death, we are what we are: beloved sons and daughters of God.”

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