The Gospel is Not about Cultural Change

(by Nick Conner, adapted for this article)

Here is God’s plan for cultural change: “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” (II Peter 3:10 KJV).

Not one of the twelve apostles brought about cultural change. They were all martyred, with the exception of John. Those regions continued to martyr believers for at least two more centuries. We are not called to be cultural change agents. Jesus said, “My Kingdom is not of this world.” John wrote, “The world is passing away along with its desires.” (cf I John 2:17).

The danger in focusing on things like external cultural change is that it serves as a ruse by distracting our focus and priorities from the Kingdom of God. God did not call the church to rule over the seven mountains. The only thing on the seven mountains is the harlot of Babylon. Every attempt to rule in areas of political economics has led to the church becoming corrupted and apostate. It leads to the most ambitious and ruthlessly carnal leaders ascending to the top. The carnal man lusts for power, control, riches and recognition.

Notice how those believers can confuse conservative principles of government with the kingdom of God. This is why Christians will celebrate a man like Ben Shapiro, a Jew who openly debates and rejects Jesus as the Messiah; or, Glenn Beck, a devout Mormon; or, the writings of Thomas Paine, an avowed atheist, This is also why the entire prophetic movement has gone completely off the rails in it’s continuous prophecies about conservative values and the triumph of Trump with Republicans. It is idolatry. The same can be said for Christian liberals. Without fail, those who get caught up in “social justice” lose sight of the glorious gospel and saving message of the cross. They almost always become hateful toward abusers and assume a bitterness which is not the ‘agape’ of God. It is a somewhat bitter self-righteousness which nullifies their effectiveness for the Kingdom.

The notion that the world is evolving into a progressively better society is inherently Darwinian. The belief that man can continuously improve our societies and morals is godless humanism. Why do you think liberals are called progressives?

The world has not become a progressively better place. Nor would it be better when professing Christians propose to impose their own presumed world views on society. It is rather comically sad when Christians, who cannot manage their own household or finances, with no integrity or fruit, presume God is going to put them in charge of nations and regions. Christians who propose to improve the world in some sort of amillenial reign are like the ostrich with his head in the sand. One must completely ignore history and deny the prophetic mandate of a world which becomes progressively more dark and wicked until judgment. One must deny scriptures and the Sovereignty of God in preference for this false Gospel and Deistic humanism.

Those who are obsessed with the right to bear arms are so distracted from the real warfare and battle that they live in complete defeat. While they yell, march, campaign, vote, and train to fight like special forces, they are being utterly destroyed by the evil one, sin, and their own unruly flesh. They completely ignore the axiom – “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal.” While they focus on preparing for a military invasion, the demons are holding them captive, preparing to take them down to hell while they are still alive. “But I see a different law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity under the law of sin which is in my members” (Romans 7:23 ESV).

Christ said that the Kingdom comes without observation because “the kingdom is within you.” (cf Luke 17:20,21). It is much easier to focus on external politics, culture and economics than it is to crucify the flesh and come under the internal Lordship and dominion of Christ. One can appear to be quite victorious externally. Meanwhile, his insides are in complete turmoil and chaos. The Holy Spirit does not rule and reign in that man’s motives, thoughts, volition, heart and mind.

Much of the current zeitgeist in the “apostolic movement” is infected with the erroneous notions of preterist and dominion theology. This movement is dangerously deceptive. It will lead to a “FALSE GREAT AWAKENING,” playing right into the hands of the “Great Reset.” The antichrist will gladly allow people to arise to prominent ministries granting them fame, recognition, control and wealth. Thousands will flock to Jerusalem to participate in the feasts at the new temple, failing to discern that the Jews will give rise to the false Messiah. Already, the Hebrew Roots movement with its love of the tzit-tzit, tallit (prayer shawl), kipa, shofar and pseudo knowledge of Hebrew has led to many assemblies embracing occultic principles of the Kabbalah. This false movement is fully on board with bringing about cultural change through dominion of the seven mountains.

The preterists teach a doctrine of demons by asserting that Christ actually did return around 70 AD. They assert that all the judgments prophesied in Matthew 24, Luke 21 and Revelation have already been fulfilled. This doctrine is from the pit of hell, and leads them to believe that Christians are here to set up a physical kingdom among the nations and rule the world. History is replete with horrific examples of Christians who ignore the commandments of Christ and attempt to rule this world. They are unknowingly opposing God’s will.

We are not called to produce cultural change. We cannot even change ourselves. Christ has not yet returned. When He does He will bring about sudden and instant cultural change – “And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming” (II Thessalonians 2:8).

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