Who am I?

(by Mike Ryan)

I would like to make this a public post and discuss this with all of you. This very subject is my calling. (IMO). I am going out of town and will not be on for a while. So I am leaving you with these words of my often misunderstood position to debate among yourselves.

I started out a Staunch Republican. Strong Pro-life supporter with personal experience to strengthen my fiery passion. Started with loads of ammo and scriptures to back it up. Started as a strong military supporter. Started as a huge supporter of the greatest document I ever read.

Jesus changed me. He showed me it was all vanity. All flesh. All an attempt to correct the evil Satan put into the world by fleshly means. All an attempt to correct the heart of men by physical and philosophical means. And if done correctly, we would not even need the cross.

We would only need to protect the Constitution and prevent false interpretations of that (holy) document.  Support the killing of millions as needed in any nation that threatened it. Prepare to defend and kill our own neighbors that might take away the tools (2A) that help us to protect that document. Cling to a way of life I believe we had at one time. Even if it was only the idea of a better time. Protect our neighbors with all passion until they were born. Then divide them between parties and judge their life’s value. Select 2-3 of the most horrific (in our mind) sins to declare the bane of human existence. Seek peace on our own hill as the ultimate goal. Prosperity, freedom, peace for ourselves…. Even if the cost was slavery, murder, greed, exploitation, abuse, or war in our own land and other nations used to obtain our goal.

Jesus ripped this out of me. Showed me what it was to Him. Showed me it was self-serving. Showed me I wanted my Best Life Now. Showed me the message of my party was the same as Joel Osteen. But, Osteen used more scripture.

I started looking at policies. Not just the ones on TV. But, the ones being slipped by us while some were on TV. Realized how we look to other nations. Started traveling overseas and asking them what they thought of the USA. Realized who we are. That we were not the “best” or greatest spot on Earth God created. Not a light on the hill. But, a tyrant. Boasting nation of idolators. A great whore making the kings of all nations drunk in the wine of her fornication. The “Christian” nation with the highest divorce rate. Highest amount of personal debt. Largest prison population in the world. Most amount of pornography. We have a lusting problem, marriage problem, parenting problem, violence problem, suicide and drug problem, gun problem, mass shooting problem, greed, pride, hate, racism problem. Even our churches are divided with 40,000 different denominations. Church attendance is down, evangelism is down, missionary sending is down, street preaching is down. 

Do you know what is up? Political awareness. Partisanship is higher than ever. Divisions and the chance of civil war have not been as high since the 1800’s. American Evangelical Christ followers have allowed the clever politicians to snake oil us into joining their sides for our numbers. We are easily captured and sold by use of a couple biblical ideas and the fear that “Evil” will take over. They have managed to convince and manipulate even the elect. Helping them forget that the world was evil since Adam stepped out of Garden of Eden. The land is cursed. Humans are doomed. Born with a sin nature that cannot be reasoned out, written out, murdered out, or voted out. There is no policy that can turn the human heart but one. Jesus. The cross. There is no other hope for mankind. The vanity of teaching any other message is the ultimate cause of our speedy decline. It is the very notion of not gathering with Jesus so you will scatter abroad. And we are scattering. Oh we are scattering. Thinking they do good, they do the very thing the Bible warned us was going to happen. With a form of Godliness but denying the power. They have no faith in the power of the cross. But, in the name of policy they bow. The cross is for the next life and the king on Earth is our only hope for today they proclaim. And so they shall reap the consequences. But, God says come out. Come out of her less you partake of her iniquities. It is idolatry. Vanity. Pride. Man thinking he can still fix what God says only He can fix. The audacity of humans even thinking God will bless their attempts that will only prove God wrong. Vanity. Never knowing their attempts fail because it is God Himself they are fighting against. Not because God wants evil to win. But, God does not desire peace, prosperity, freedom on this dirt hill. He wishes that none should perish and all come to a knowledge of Him.

We have forgotten our mandate. Our great commission. We have set the commission aside in order to fight this more pressing matter of saving the nation from our neighbors will. Layman are leading with biblical clichés instead of dying to self. You all must understand I once held these views. Staying conservative would have been easy, natural. It was dying to self that brought me out and made me ashamed of what I had fallen for. The greatest deception the world has ever seen. Satan has finally done it. Convinced once again the greatest, most powerful nation, a great deception. Turned the hearts of the godly against themselves. And this time with a large war horse and nuclear weapons. A second Babylon. But God.

Babylon will fall once again at the hands of the Lord. It is foretold. He will not allow her to prosper or have peace by her own attempts. She will become a sign for all nations. Not a good sign. But, one of awe and horrific wonder to make the world fearful once against of the Lord. She will be a beacon of light. But, from the fire of her destruction. They world will mourn. Asking who will be like her again? Who will the nations trade with like her? This will happen. It is not preventable. It is a matter of time. And we have little time left to do what He told us to do. Christians are not here to bring about, repair, create, build, maintain an Earthy Kingdom. We are not here to convert liberals to Conservative or conservatives to liberal. Not here to mock independents. Not here to preach voting or to shame voting abstinence. Not here to protect gun ownership. Not here to prevent the state from marrying same sex couples. Not here to make gas prices and taxes lower. Not here to prevent Mexicans from cross over a fence for better lives. Not here for higher wages. Or to prevent the poor from abusing the welfare system. Not here to fight the wars the nation decides is worthy. We are here for a purpose. Love the Lord your God and love your neighbor as yourself. Preach the Gospel and glorify your Father in Heaven. The great commission and praise to the Lord. That’s it.

We are to see the times and seasons and warn the inhabitants of this Earth that a greater danger is coming. A judgement day for every man, woman, and child is coming. And nothing you can do good will protect you. It is scarier than the largest army or the worst policies. It is worse than facing the loss of the second amendment. With all of the fearful things in the world, Jesus tells us not to fear the worst of men who can only kill your body.  He tells us to fear the One Who can kill both the body and soul in hell. 

The entire Bible is an arrow pointing to a Person and an event. Beginning with a creation and sin against God and ends with His closing up of that creation, wrath against the sin and gathering those He has made a way for to be with Him. Jesus is everything. The only reason we live. Our only way out. The only way free. This life is fleeting. Shortened by God Himself to 120 years. Every wrinkle meant to remind us of the clock that ticks towards our last day. Some will find that day earlier than others.

Politics seem godly. But, they are a clever distraction to blind us from the ticking clock. Instead of preaching to the world about the impending danger of judgement, it keeps us busy doing little things that only attempt to effect Earthly fleeting lives. It prevents us from offering the true freedom and salvation needed for all life for all eternity. My people….Even the slaves of old were told not to worry about freedom on Earth. But, they were promised a greater reward.

This cult shears my heart. So many well-meaning people thinking they are following Christ. They love Him. For sure! But, following Him, they are not. They are following men and their own ideas of how to repair what they believe was once perfect. The people need Jesus. Not a better president. And if we do not tell the people this, who will? And if they are never told, how will they know to call out to Him? And if they do not call out, how will they be saved? For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Lord help us drop our deceptions onto our toes and pick back up your commission. Tomorrow the clouds might just part and we will all be ashamed of how we spent our time and our message we gave while we were here.

There is a man that stands on the corner in my little town. Yelling the Gospel and waving a sign. Cars go by and try not to look at him. He seems crazy. Even I have a hard time sitting at the light with him talking into the window. But, he gets it. Nothing else matters. He preaches like there is no tomorrow. I have his heart and my own cowardice. I have seen streets lined up with thousands of Christians holding candidate signs. But, only one man preaching the Gospel on the street in ten years. We are deceived.

“For God did not send his Son to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.” John 3:17

Only God will save the world and only through one thing. Not voting, not a president who God will bless us with, not through policy, war, defense….there is no amount of “standing up” that will fix us. Only Jesus. And only for those who will call out to Him. You can convert every living soul to the greatest political party and change their every policy to what you believe is good and they may still go to hell.

“Are we supposed to do nothing?”

No. Nothing is what you are doing right now believing you are making a difference. Unless you are preaching the message of salvation to a lost world, you are doing nothing for them. Yes, fed them, yes love them, but you better serve that bread with the bread of life. I am not talking about doing the good Jesus told us to do. I am talking about fighting like the world fights. With votes instead of nails. Sure vote. But, you better get back to converting for Jesus and not your favorite candidate. Or I promise you that most people will get to be with that candidate for eternity in hell.

If you want to stop doing NOTHING, you will follow what Jesus told you to do. Fine, I know many are not evangelists and do not preach easily or evangelize easily. Then serve that mission in another way.

I’ll finish up with this. I am not telling everyone to never get involved with politics like a Jehovah Witness. I am telling you to set your priorities straight. I can get behind and support a good policy. But, the only hill I will die on is Calvary. The only divisions I will create will be over the message of the Cross. This is where I will place my hope and time. I will recognize and support the world’s attempt to do good things because they thirst for righteousness. But, I will use those opportunities as a watering hole to tell people about the water of life. I will press on their idols until they realize they have no power. There is only One candidate that can change lives. One King that will rule over me. One that will have my support. I will focus not on this world. I will not love this world or anything in this world.  I will focus on the Kingdom of Heaven and the King that is my King today and forever more. I am already serving Him, already living my eternal life, already saved, already a citizen of Heaven. I am now running back into the burning world to tell others what I found and how to be saved. The rest is vanity. We live in a forest of dead trees.

And for those of you who still want good in the world, give a person Jesus and you will see good fruit grow out of a once dead tree. 

They don’t need your best arguments for better policies. If you have not noticed, they do not change their minds anyways. They need Jesus. Give them Jesus and the fruits you desire will grow. Righteousness will grow. The mustard seed is in your pocket.

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