The Cult of Christian Nationalism

(by Mike Ryan, adapted for this article)

Christian Nationalism is a cult; a fusion of Christianity and American national identity.

Christian Nationalism draws its roots from Old Testament parallels between America and Israel. In the Old Testament, Israel was commanded to maintain cultural and blood purity, often through war, conquest, and separatism.

Despite the Old Testament slant, Christian Nationalism has no room for Exodus 22:21: “You must not mistreat or oppress foreigners in any way. Remember, you yourselves were once foreigners in the land of Egypt,” or numerous other Biblical passages — which is why Christian nationalism can’t be considered synonymous with Christianity.

Christian Nationalism provides a compelling, coherent narrative for its proponents — but at the cost of ignoring, rejecting or demonizing anything that does not fit, including much of the Bible, as well as the Constitution. It selects the elements it wants and ignores, denies or rejects the rest.

Christian Nationalism is a brilliant false Christian movement that twists Scripture to fit its agenda. While holding tightly to misread verses it dodges the majority of Scripture altogether. Its drive is not the cross of Jesus Himself, it is a national Christian identity, a “Convert or Die” mentality. History is filled with versions of this type of cult movement, but never before has the world seen one rise so quickly with so much strength in numbers and weapons; even believing its weapons to be tools of God. It is not only dangerous to the nation and to the world, but to the true Body of Christ’s witness.

Christian Nationalism’s proponents do not long for Heaven, they long for the good old days that only reside in each individual’s chosen memories. This movement manages to make foes of any friends or family who oppose it. Even people from the proponents’ own congregations quickly become enemies of their “faith” when challenging their ideology. There is no correcting them; no reasoning with them.

I saw this form of cognitive dissonance in Jehovah’s Witnesses I ministered to for a few years. The brain has the ability to compartmentalize a challenge into “Evil”, “Threat” or “Insanity” as a defense mechanism to prevent damaging one’s feelings or disproving one’s accepted reality. The mind literally blocks the incoming message. The result is a mind numbing effect that does not allow the person to hear or take in the message. You can see it when the person’s eyes gloss over. Like they are no longer listening to you while staring at your eyes. If the message starts to gain traction and “make sense” the brain will send out a last resort defensive wave of frustration that comes out as anger.

I left the Jehovah’s Witnesses cult ministry after seeing the same cognitive dissonance growing among my fellow Republicans at the time. The parallels and similarities were amazing to watch and very sad. Much like the Jehovah’s Witnesses branching off of Christianity, this Christian Nationalism also shared the same Biblical words as it branched off. Both when challenged will compartmentalize you with a demonic label, making reaching someone within quite difficult, because who listens to a demon? It is not uncommon for a Jehovah’s Witness or a Christian Nationalist to be willing to cut off a family member from relationship for disagreement.

Cults were warned against in the Scriptures. Paul warned to avoid people who bring another Gospel, pressing that there is only one Gospel to tell – Jesus lived, died, and was risen the third day.

This Gospel is the center and point to a Christian. It is the beginning and end of the story. Believing on this message is the foundation of what it means to be Christian. In this message is the salvation of each person and the planet. But, Jehovah’s Witnesses place their hope not in Christ, but in the Governing Body, a group of seven men in New York who govern and lead the group. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe the Governing Body has a direct channel to God and His will. By serving the Governing Body they gain favor from Jehovah.

In many ways Christian Nationalism follows a similar system. Proponents do not put their faith in Christ for salvation, but in a better Governing authority in Washington D.C., believing humanities’ hope is only found in electing the correct men/women into public office to lead. Proponents believe that supporting these men/women is a form of serving God Himself and will gain favor. The Cross is used as a symbol of the movement, but the message of Christ Himself is completely lost in the rhetoric of the movement. Stopping sins (particularly homosexuality and abortion) is its main drive and focus through the reform of governmental laws of the land.

Christianity teaches that all men are sinners and are in need of freedom from the Law of God through the propitiation of our sins. Christ paid the penalty for us that we all owe and therefore puts no man above another. All are equal for all received payment that each did not deserve or earn, for all have fallen and none do good.

Christian Nationalism places all supporters into the category of righteous and all who oppose as evil. Christianity tells us that we were all once enemies of God and that He wishes that none should perish.

Christian Nationalism preaches that to make the nation “good” or “great” again people need to stop these two sins (homosexuality and abortion). Christianity teaches that no one is “good” and to be righteous you must believe in Christ and His payment for individuals sins of each person through individual belief in His work on the cross.

Christian Nationalism teaches there is power in voting. Christianity teaches there is power in the Blood of the Lamb.

Christian Nationalism teaches there is salvation in the next election with enough numbers. Christianity teaches there is salvation in no one else but the Son of God.

Christian Nationalism teaches rebellion against political rivals is a worthy life to live and lose. The Bible teaches “To live is Christ, to die is gain.”

Christian Nationalism is about protecting what we have and regaining what we lost. Christianity is about selling/giving up all you have to purchase the treasure found in the field.

Christian Nationalism is about the Kingdom of America in 1950. Christianity is about the Kingdom of Heaven in our midst.

Christian Nationalism places focus on the dirt of the Earth (worldly desires, wealth, things, rights, careers, taxes, gas prices, big houses, the economy, guns). Christianity places our focus on Christ (the Kingdom of Heaven, the crystal sea, angels singing Holy Holy Holy, glorifying the Lord and telling others of His grace).

Christian Nationalism is about freedoms of the land. Christianity is about freedom from sin and death.

Christian Nationalism makes us see people in the world as sinful. Christianity makes us realize “I” am the worst sinner in that world.

Christianity is being hijacked by Christian Nationalism. Much like Jehovah’s Witnesses, it is using the same language and stealing true Christians from the path they used to walk. It is gathering up the seed that falls by the wayside and uprooting some that have already taken root. Jehovah’s Witnesses love to speak to young/new Christians who are just starting to learn about God, because they can cause doubt by questioning small issues that are not yet fully or easily understood. Christian Nationalism is similar, stealing away many people who are not strong in their theology or their understanding of Christ.

Christian Nationalism is about political issues. Christianity is about growing fruits of the Spirit.

Christian Nationalism helps a new believer feel finished, completed, justified. It allows an unchanged new believer to remain the same and channel their anger and frustration into what they now feel is a justified “righteous war”. If you were a reprobate before Christ, no worry; it will welcome you the way you are. No need to change; just come to the front line and destroy the liberals and any challengers. Feel free to retain your hatred for your neighbor; it will just call it “Truth”.

Christian Nationalism accepts you the moment you agree to the nationalist agenda. To be a Christian, you must be born again.

Christian Nationalism is about fighting for your rights. Christianity is about giving up your rights to follow Jesus.

Christian Nationalism is about holding off persecution. Christianity is about picking up your cross.

Christian Nationalism is about guns as protection to save your life. Jesus said “He who seeks to save his life will lose it and he that loses his life for my sake will find it.”

There are dozens more differences. Scriptures that don’t match and others that clearly speak against this movement.

These two cannot be more different. While using the same language and often having the greatest minds supporting their views with twisting and cherry picking of Scriptures, Christian Nationalism and Christianity are not compatible at all.

Christian Nationalism is the single greatest attack against Christianity the world has ever seen. The elect are being deceived. The salt is losing its saltiness. Many are losing their first love. The love of many is growing cold.

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