Voting in Faith Applied: The Standards of the Word of God

(by Ron Schalow)

The Word of God speaks to the question of selecting leaders and who we should and should not associate with in our lives. This includes our voting lives. This guidance come from Exodus 18:21, Proverbs 6:16-19 and II Timothy 3:1-5. This list is by no means exhaustive, as there are many references on conduct in the Word of God, but these will serve as a good start.

When the Word of God calls for a leader to be one who is able to lead, we must select an able leader and no other.

When the Word of God calls for a leader who fears God, we must select a leader who fears God and no other.

When the Word of God calls for a leader who is a person of truth, we must select a leader who is honest and no other.

When the Word of God calls for a leader who is not greedy, we must select a leader who is not greedy and no other.

When the Word of God tells us that God hates a proud look, we cannot select a prideful person to be a leader.

When the Word of God tells us that God hates a lying tongue, we cannot select a dishonest person to be a leader.

When the Word of God tells us that God hates hands that shed innocent blood, we cannot select a person who fails to support innocent life to be a leader.

When the Word of God tells us that God hates a heart that devises wicked plans, we cannot select a wicked person to be a leader.

When the Word of God tells us that God hates feet that are swift in running to evil, we cannot select a corrupt person to be a leader.

When the Word of God tells us that God hates a false witness who speaks lies, we cannot select a dishonest person to be a leader.

When the Word of God tells us that God hates one who sows discord among brethren, we cannot select a person who continually insults others and incites one against another to be a leader.

When the Word of God tells us to turn away from one who loves himself, we cannot select a narcissistic person to be a leader.

When the Word of God tells us to turn away from one who loves money, we cannot select a greedy person to be a leader.

When the Word of God tells us to turn away from one who is a boaster, we cannot select a person who continually brags about himself or herself to be a leader.

When the Word of God tells us to turn away from one who is proud, we cannot select a proud person to be a leader.

When the Word of God tells us to turn away from one who blasphemes, we cannot select a person who equates himself or herself with God to be a leader.

When the Word of God tells us to turn away from one who is disobedient to parents, we cannot select a person who takes for himself or herself the attributes of God (our Father) to be a leader.

When the Word of God tells us to turn away from one who is unthankful, we cannot select an unthankful person to be a leader.

When the Word of God tells us to turn away from one who is unholy, we cannot select an unholy person to be a leader.

When the Word of God tells us to turn away from one who is unloving, we cannot select an unloving person to be a leader.

When the Word of God tells us to turn away from one who is unforgiving, we cannot select an unforgiving person to be a leader.

When the Word of God tells us to turn away from one who slanders others, we cannot select a slanderer to be a leader.

When the Word of God tells us to turn away from one who has no self-control, we cannot select a person lacking self-control to be a leader.

When the Word of God tells us to turn away from one who is brutal, we cannot select a brutal, bullying person to be a leader.

When the Word of God tells us to turn away from one who despises good, we cannot select a person who despises good to be a leader.

When the Word of God tells us to turn away from one who is a traitor, we cannot select a traitorous person to be a leader.

When the Word of God tells us to turn away from one who is headstrong, we cannot select an unreasonably stubborn person to be a leader.

When the Word of God tells us to turn away from one who is haughty, we cannot select a haughty person to be a leader.

When the Word of God tells us to turn away from one who loves pleasure more than God, we cannot select a person who loves pleasure more than God to be a leader.

When the Word of God tells us to turn away from one who has a form of Godliness but denies His power, we cannot select a person whose faith is empty and hollow to be a leader.

So, to the question, if we are willing to read, study, and follow the Word of God, no matter where this might lead; if we are willing to submit to the absolute truth of God’s Word, no matter where this might lead; if we are willing to follow the absolute truth of God’s Word over all temporary issues (political and otherwise), no matter where this might lead; then our voting will reflect this.

We will no longer compare candidates to one another, but we will compare each candidate to these absolute unchanging standards, selecting only that candidate that meets these standards.

We will no longer select candidates based on their political party, but we will select candidates that meet the absolute unchanging standards of God’s Word.

We will no longer select candidates based on whether they can win, but we will select candidates based on whether they should win according to the absolute unchanging standards of God’s Word.

Let’s commit to those absolute unchanging standards.

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