Old-fashioned Skills that Should be Remembered and Practiced

  1. How to write a letter.
  2. How to make a phone call.
  3. How to take a message.
  4. How to get to know an older person.
  5. How to play with a baby.
  6. How to sew on a button and mend a small tear.
  7. How to make a genuine apology.
  8. How to read slowly and retain the information.
  9. How to hammer a nail and use basic tools.
  10. How to shake hands.
  11. How to introduce yourself.
  12. How to make eye contact.
  13. How to take notice of the needs around you.
  14. How to make scrambled eggs.
  15. How to balance a checkbook and write a check.
  16. How to see a job through to completion.
  17. How to interview for a job.
  18. How to write a thank-you note.
  19. How to do laundry.
  20. How to plant and take care of a garden.
  21. How to fix something instead of replacing it.
  22. How to plan for a healthy meal.
  23. How to hang a picture or a shelf.
  24. How to wash dishes without a dishwasher.
  25. How to make a budget.
  26. How to wait and save for something.
  27. How to check tire pressure and fluid levels.
  28. How to ask questions to get to know someone better.
  29. How to read a map.
  30. How to find a book in the library.
  31. How to seek counsel from someone more experienced.
  32. How to care for a pet.
  33. How to select a gift that the receiver will appreciate.
  34. How to admit a fault and correct a mistake.
  35. How to set the table.
  36. How to iron clothing.
  37. How to trust.
  38. How to give someone the benefit of the doubt.
  39. How to weigh out the pros and cons of a decision.
  40. How to have good table manners.
  41. How to always say please and thank you.
  42. How to read and follow a recipe.
  43. How to attend a concert or performance.
  44. How to do something well, even if no one is watching.
  45. How to take pride in your work.
  46. How to be kind.
  47. How to change a tire.
  48. How to change a light fixture.
  49. How to install a curtain rod.
  50. How to write using cursive writing.
  51. How to use a camera that requires film.
  52. How to start a fire with or without matches.
  53. How to bake.
  54. How to knit.
  55. How to barter and negotiate.
  56. How to take shorthand.
  57. How to type with all ten fingers.
  58. How to do mental arithmetic.
  59. How to use a broom and a vacuum cleaner.
  60. How to use a rake, a shovel, and a lawn mower.
  61. How to respect others.

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