Elections and Convictions

(by Jerry Wismer)

After months of watching, reading, analyzing and praying over what to do with this election, I’ve come out with a few simple convictions that give me peace:

1. My vote is a sacred right earned for me by the sacrifice of many. Freedom is not free. Therefore I am to consider carefully how I exercise that right.

2. It is a right but it isn’t a duty. I do not agonize over some terrible choice that “must” be made. Any monkey can flip a lever in a voting booth with no idea who or what they just supported. No one can tell me who I’m “supposed” to vote for or against. I am plenty informed and intelligent enough to trust my own thoughts and beliefs and to discern what is true.

3. The act of voting is an extension of my conscience. I will not sear it by supporting obvious unrepentant evil. Voting for trash is a wasted vote.

4. The idea that the choice is binary is nonsense. I can choose whomever I deem best for the job. I don’t feel compelled to “be on the winning side” and besides, there isn’t any winning side in this election. At least my vote will count towards what I support.

5. Because of my conscience and my witness, it’s possible I won’t vote for any presidential candidate. If the ice cream counter sells only vanilla and chocolate, but I only want strawberry, then I am free to not buy any ice cream at all. It’s my business.

6. I’m at peace with whatever happens, though I sometimes suspect that my country will collapse into chaos. The best thing for me to do is continue to trust God who is always in control. If chaos comes I’ll continue to trust.

America has serious problems. The two party system has failed us by producing the most undesirable nominees imaginable. At some point “We The People” will rediscover unity and start solving things. It’s looking like we need either a revolution or a revival. I choose revival.

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