How Do I Tell Myself?

(By Shea L. Watts)

How do I tell myself

Your fun and loving spirit is gone,

Your body held hostage

By a deceptive toxin?

Consumed by the wickedness

Of white poison,

It feeds you lies,

Fake happiness,

That fills your heart with darkness.

How can I accept this

Journey you have chosen,

Away from many honest faces

Of love and acceptance?

How do I stop the hurt of losing you?

How do I tell myself

Your light is lost

To a false reality of existence

Pulling you toward a pit of sorrow?

I fear detainment is looming,

I fear dissolution is near,

But I cannot change this.

I have no power over God’s plan.

I can only continue to stay faithful,

Strong and true.

Only through love and prayer

Can I find peace,

Through hope I seek to find

The light from which

Wickedness has taken you.

I must remind myself

Reality is hard and dismal,

While darkness is accepted.

The poison you consume

Must be demolished!

Only then will your light renew.

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